What is MBOX File?

Overview – What is MBOX File Extension?

MBOX stands for mailbox. It is a file format that is used for holding collections of email messages. All messages in mbox are concatenated and stored as a plain text in a single file. It uses 7 bit ASCII text for storing the message in encoded format.

MBOX is the common way to store all your messages on a hard drive.Mbox is the mail box file format which concatenate the plain text data into single file. In this the new message are appended at the end of file. The messages in the Mbox is immediately prefaced by a separation line while other messages will begin with two end of line sequences. It stores the copy of message on the local disk. It usually stores without extension and created by default.

Various Variations on mbox:-

Mboxo » it uses a contant string in place of senders email address. It is the main mbox format.

Mboxrd » it is just a variation of mboxo.

Mboxcl » it is used my unix system V mailboxes.

Mboxcl2 » it is same as mboxcl.

Category of Application

  • It stores the complete data such as email, contact etc. Therefore it comes in the category of Database file.

Application Software

The MBOX file format can easily be compatible with the following application:-

  • Entourage
  • Eudora
  • Apple Mail
  • Mulberry
  • Netscape
  • Opera Mail
  • Gnu Mail
  • Mutt
  • Cone
  • Claws Mail
  • Poco Mail
  • Sea Monkey
  • Spicebird



File Signature:-

It has the following file signature:-Hex Signature: 00 0D BB A0

Location of MBOX files

Default location of mbox file is /User/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/directory, and is also depends on email client.

Apple mail

Mozilla Thunderbird

Entourage 2008
C/Users/user_name/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office2008 Identities/Main Identity

Poco Mail
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\PocoMail\Mail

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Cyrusoft\Mulberry\Mailboxes

Evolution Mail
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.evolution\mail

C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\ApplicationData\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\nz8lvw59.default\Mail.

C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\ApplicationData\Mozilla\Profiles\default\2yv6fh2e.slt\Mail

Opera Mail
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\mail\store\account1